About Me

👋Hello, I Am Pandhu A Munjalindra. A passionate Web Developer with hands-on experience in building responsive and scalable User Interfaces using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Proficient in API integration and serverless architecture, and currently expanding my skills in System Analysis, with a focus on optimizing programming algorithms for efficiency. Driven by continuous learning and ready to contribute to innovative projects through strong teamwork and problem-solving abilities.

My Services


  • dicoding-js

    Basic Javascript

    This class is aimed at individuals who want to step into becoming a Web Developer/Back-end developer using Node.js technology using industry competency standards validated by AWS. By the end of the class, students will be able to master basic JavaScript for web application development using Node Js.

  • ukbi


    This predicate indicates that the test taker has sufficient proficiency in communicating using the Indonesian language, both orally and in writing. With this proficiency, the person concerned is able to communicate for survival and social purposes well, but still experiences obstacles in complex professional matters.

  • user-experience

    User Experience

    This class is intended for individuals who want to become a Web Developer or Web Design paying attention to industry standards that have been summarized by Pijar Mahir. At the end of the class, students can master the basics of User Experience for both web and mobile.

Tech Stack