A website that serves as a portal to explore the Moklet Organization. Contributed to the development of the User Interface and created standardized code using eslint. Using Next.js as the main framework, and waterfall SDLC model.
A website that serves as a portal to connect donors and receivers. Contributed to the development of the User Interface. Used Next.js as the main framework, and the waterfall SDLC model.
Working Closely With Customers In NextGenAI
Here I developed a fulstack multiple role application. using react tailwind express and mysql.
Created a starter template for Vite and React that I use regularly, is open-source and can be customized to suit your needs. It includes many useful tools and libraries that implement best practices and auto-fix when saved.
This is a MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node) website, implementing the crud system in it and there is a login system.
This is a project that uses movieDb's online API, connecting the online API using React.
This is an advanced project of todos list created using react js framework, which contains todos list, notes, expense tracker. this web uses localstorage
This is a Portfolio Website that I created to provide information from my resume experience and skills.
This is a project made using PHP that is directly connected to MySql, this is a learning module at my vocational school.
This website was created for auction simulation using PHP and connected to MySql.
This is the first project I created, which contains a database to store data from every activity carried out on this website.
This website was created to fulfill an assignment from Mrs. Ratih, understanding more about javascript.
This website was created to learn to make a web according to figma, and update the web.