Telkom Vocational High School Malang
2022 - 2025
Majoring in Software Engineering with various programming skills including, HTML, CSS, PHP, Node, JavaScript, React, MySql, MongoDb
Al Azhaar Islamic Junior High School Tulungagung
2019 - 2022
Learn to connect with others, take on leadership roles in boarding schools, and participate in various organizations to grow up skills.
CO-Leader in Moklet Developer
SMK Telkom Malang
JAN 2024 - Present
Collaborating with teammates, we build the 'Moklet Developer' organization, engaging in planning and developing innovative projects with the latest technology, while also identifying training needs and organizing sessions to enhance technical and leadership skills for team members
Moklet Idea Challenge Contest
APR 2024
Act as a 'Leader' in the team participating in the Moklet Idea Challenge Competition. Participated in product presentations in front of a jury and audience, explaining the vision, mission and business potential of the product idea.
Frontend Web Developer
SMK Telkom Malang
OCT 2023
Developing user interfaces (UI) for websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, collaborating with the team to manage the website, and enhancing website performance by optimizing code.
Osis in the field of Religion
SMPI Al-Azhaar Tulungagung
JUL 2020 - 2021
Coordinating and organizing religious activities at school, Participated in activities that support the goals of the Student Council and contribute to a positive culture at school.
Problem Solving
Decision Making
Time Management